Ten Tips For Raising a Blind Child

Raising a blind child can be a challenging but rewarding experience With the right support and a healthy nurturing environment they can achieve anything .. Here are ten tips to help you support your child as they navigate the world without sight: Encourage independence. Blind children can do many things on their own, but they may need extra guidance and support to learn how. Encourage your child to try new things and take on responsibilities, and be there to help them when they need it Don't be afraid to bring them into the kitchen many parents are scared of teaching their blind kids to cook for fear that they might injure themselves. However the truth of the matter is that we all have accidents regardless of the fact that we have sight or not. As long as exposure is under supervision and adequate guidance they can learn all sorts of skills. It is important to show children we believe in them. Be descriptive. Children who are blind rely on their other senses, including hearing and ...